Negotiation in Technical Leadership

Mark Mishaev
3 min readMar 25, 2023


Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash


As complexity of technologies and software solutions continue to evolve, technical leaders and architects play a crucial role in designing and implementing robust and sustainable solutions, that on one side meet the customers needs and on the other, minimize the risk of over-engineering and accidental complexity.

However, technical expertise alone is not enough to ensure success in these endeavors. To achieve this goals, technical leaders and architects must also possess strong negotiation and persuasion skills.

As a engineering manager leading a small group of architects and tech leads, I often see technical people that may feel that they do not need to have these skills, as their technical expertise should speak for itself.

They sometimes overlook the fact that technical solutions do not exist in a vacuum, and that decisions often involve multiple stakeholders with different needs and perspectives.

Negotiation and Persuasion Skills

Negotiation and persuasion skills are essential for technical leaders and architects for several reasons.

First, these skills are critical in managing relationships. The ability to negotiate effectively and persuade relevant parties to align with our vision is key to achieving successful outcomes.

Second, negotiation and persuasion skills can help us to influence decisions and gain support for our ideas. Technical solutions may be complex and difficult to understand for those outside of the field and those skills can help to bridge this gap and build support for these solutions.

Third, negotiation and persuasion skills are critical in managing conflict and addressing concerns. Technical projects may encounter unexpected roadblocks or disagreements, and the ability to negotiate effectively to find common ground is essential in resolving these issues.

Improving Negotiation Skills

To develop strong negotiation and persuasion skills, technical leaders and architects can take several steps:

  1. Seek out training opportunities or attend workshops and conferences focused on these skills.
  2. Read books on the subject or seek out mentors who can provide guidance and advice.
  3. Actively practice these skills in their day-to-day interactions with relevant stakeholders, seeking feedback and making adjustments as needed.

Here are some references that you may find useful:

  1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion book by Robert B. Cialdini
  2. Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict MOOC by Coursera
  3. Inspiring and Motivating Individuals MOOC by Coursera
  4. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In book by Roger Fisher, William L. Ury and Bruce Patton (Author)

Negotiation Techniques

There are several important negotiation techniques that can be applied in technical discussions. Here are some of the most useful ones:

  1. Active Listening: listening is an essential aspect of any negotiation. Technical discussions can be complex, and it is important to listen actively to all stakeholders to fully understand their perspectives.
  2. Preparation: proper preparation is key to a successful negotiation. This involves researching all the issues, understanding underlying interests, and identifying potential solutions.
  3. Asking Open-Ended Questions: asking open-ended questions can help uncover underlying concerns and motivations, which can then be addressed during the negotiation.
  4. Building Rapport: building a good rapport with stakeholders can help create a positive negotiating environment. This involves being respectful and showing empathy for others’ perspectives.
  5. Identifying Common Ground: identifying areas of agreement between stakeholders can help create a foundation for the negotiation. This involves finding common goals and interests that all parties share.
  6. Brainstorming Solutions: engaging in creative problem-solving can help identify solutions that satisfy the needs of all stakeholders. Brainstorming solutions can also help in evaluating the trade-offs associated with each option.
  7. Summarizing Agreements: summarizing agreements reached during the negotiation helps ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page. It can also help in identifying any areas of disagreement that need to be addressed.


In conclusion, negotiation and persuasion skills are essential for technical leaders in achieving successful outcomes for their projects. These skills enable us to manage relationships with key stakeholders, influence decisions, and manage conflict effectively. By investing in the development of these skills, we can ensure that our technical expertise is effectively communicated and applied to achieve the desired results.



Mark Mishaev
Mark Mishaev

Written by Mark Mishaev

I am really passionate about agile leadership, software security, systems development and architecture.

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